Friday, October 14, 2011

The Host - Stephenie Meyer - Book 88

Stephenie Meyer's The Host was a pick from one of my book club members. I didn't know what to expect, not being a fan of vampire thrillers. But I loved it - I engaged with the plot and the main characters and enjoyed the story thoroughly, so much so that I went straight to the author's site to check for news of a sequel (alas, not yet). This book has depths - as well as the main story, there are references (for those who care to look) to the morality of the colonial project as well as a long, hard look at what humans have done to the planet. An excellent read, which is highly recommended.

Amazon's description:
A species of altruistic parasites has peacefully assumed control of the minds and bodies of most humans, but feisty Melanie Stryder won't surrender her mind to the alien soul called Wanderer. Overwhelmed by Melanie's memories of fellow resistor Jared, Wanderer yields to her body's longing and sets off into the desert to find him. Likely the first love triangle involving just two bodies, it's unabashedly romantic, and the characters (human and alien) genuinely endearing. Readers intrigued by this familiar-yet-alien world will gleefully note that the story's end leaves the door open for a sequel--or another series. 

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