Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Steve Jobs Biography - Book 113

Steve Jobs' biography was a fascinating read. I've always followed part of his story, intrigued by the inventions that shaped part of my working life. I used an early Mac, switched to a PowerMac when that became the norm in business desktop publishing environments and then watched the iMac, iPod, iTunes and iPad phenomena. This book gave the background to those well known successes and a few equally well publicized failures. It reveals a man whose management style left something to be desired while at the same time eliciting brilliance from his team and creating the world's top company while he did it. Although I got the feeling that the editor could have made another pass (there was some unnecessary repetition, in my opinion), I expect the book was rushed to publication when Jobs passed away and it didn't detract from an otherwise enthralling read. Recommended.

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